Sunday, January 3, 2010

Recruiting Mayo Comes Back to Bite USC

Two years after super-recruit played his only college season at USC, the university has inflicted self-imposed sanctions due to NCAA recruitment violations. Former coach Tim Floyd resigned almost immediately after these allegations came out over a year ago, and now after a thorough investigation by the NCAA it turns out these allegations are now true. Mayo had a questionable relationship with Rodney Guillory who became a USC booster during this recruitment period, sending red flags and prompting an investigation. The penalties are as follows...

• No postseason play in 2009-10, including the Pac-10 conference tournament.

• A reduction of one scholarship for the 2009-10 and 2010-11 academic years.

• Reducing the number of coaches permitted to recruit off-campus by one during the summer of 2010.

• Reducing the number of recruiting days for the 2010-11 academic year, to 110 from 130.


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