Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Iverson's Starting Spot in Jeopardy

Well, this should be an interesting little bit of entertainment: “Allen Iverson has started each of his 22 games as a 76er this season. When Iverson sat out four games in mid- to late December with knee arthritis, Sixers coach Eddie Jordan always said Iverson would start when he returned. But after Monday’s practice, which Iverson again missed due to his daughter’s illness, Jordan wouldn’t commit to Iverson starting when he comes back. ‘That’s a topic we have to discuss,’ Jordan said. Later, Jordan said, ‘We’re going to talk about that as a staff. We’ve had some of those discussions. We’ll cross that bridge when we cross that bridge.’ The 19-31 Sixers have won three in a row - all against teams with a .500 or better record at the time - with Iverson absent and Willie Green starting in his place. The 6-foot-3 Green and 6-4 rookie Jrue Holiday have given the Sixers better size and matchups in the backcourt than when the 6-1 Lou Williams and 5-11 Iverson started. They’ve also cut down on opponents’ dribble penetration, allowing teammates to stay on their man rather than having to rotate over to help on the ball.”

ViaSLAM Online

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